Branding Services / Packaging design
The minimized version of an entire architectural structure on a bottle of wine depicting that architecture knows no boundaries.
We were approached by an architecture company to create a private label for a self-promotional event, meanwhile we were the ones to suggest a product.
So we came up with a stereotype-breaking solution and suggested wine. We dared to place a small-scale model of an architectural construction on a cylinder-shaped bottle. The bottle is a metaphor for the earth with its uneven surfaces, on which the architectural typologies emerge as a skyscraper, or any other imagined built form. The building models built onto the bottle are two geometric shapes that form the company’s logo “9”.
We used actual components of concrete, a favorite material among architects. We filled a mold with a form of concrete and built it into a cylinder-shaped bottle. As the clay is in the hand of a potter, so is concrete in modern architecture a tool that calls to existence any abstract form an architect conceptualizes and eliminates all boundaries in its realization. We have intentionally missed the hot cup on the bottle to make the cork visible which simulates the outline of the logo construction on the bottle. Moreover, the concrete construction that ascends from the bottle not only has design purpose, but is also functional: it serves as a device to hold the bottle in a horizontal position, which is essential for the wine reserve.
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The building models built onto the bottle are two geometric shapes that form the company’s logo “9” .
The bottle is a metaphor for the earth with its uneven surfaces.
We used actual components of concrete - a favorite material among architects.
The concrete construction serves as a device to hold the bottle in a horizontal position, which is essential for the wine reserve.
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