Product design / Packaging design
Food, Dairy product
Ashtarak kat
Yogu Mogu brand created to provide caring and concerned mothers with new choice of healthy and nutritional product for their children.
Yogu Mogu brand created to provide caring and concerned mothers with new choice of healthy and nutritional product for their children.
We spent a great deal of time experimenting with different personalities and ended up developing them with similarity to insects – lady bug, bee and dragonfly. Then we applied professions to them and designed their facial expressions to play off the characteristics of each profession they represented.
The implementation of the approach yielded a shift in products categories, blending a dairy product with toys. Toy containers became a genuine Point of Difference, delivering new positioning of yogurts and exceeding traditional expectations. No more persuasive techniques are to be exercised by mothers as they were driven to the store shelves by the children. As to the healthful bottles, they are voluntarily and enthusiastically emptied to further become a good media for role playing
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